Cycle Mania

April 20, 2022

Cycle Mania

Sunday May 1


The Fitness Edge

All Proceeds go to the Greater Lakes Region Children’s Auction

$10.00 Donation per Hour

To Sign Up Email Ken

Text or Call 603-279-6099

July 22, 2022
Click and Get Moving Today
By Liz Littell June 3, 2022
What is the difference between signing up for a cycle class with an instructors name and the “outdoor only” cycle class that has 6 spots and no instructors name? We set up the cycle classes so that 12 people are guaranteed bikes inside in case of inclement weather. The sign up for this is under the instructors’ name. If the class with the instructors name is full or you only want to participate outside, please sign up for the outside only class. Where do I add myself to a waitlist? If you need to add yourself to a wait list for cycle classes (all bikes are full in both the “instructor class” and “outdoor only” class) you need to add yourself to the waitlist under the outdoor only class. Questions? Email it to Liz: Or call the front desk 603-279-0411
April 21, 2022
Dear Fitness Edge Members, Winter has come to an end. Put those shovels and winter clothes away. Join us for class or do your own workout with a friend. To view our schedule and hours go to . NEWSLETTER RECIPIENTS TAKE NOTE! Past members; we are ready, are you? Print this page and come see us for two free weeks of fun exercise. We miss and want to see you. Current members; spread the word of health and fitness to friends and loved ones. Print this page as many times as you wish to give the gift of health. Your friends and loved ones can workout free for 2 weeks. Share the joy of good health and exercise! Please note that this great opportunity expires June 1 st so print, workout and share! Updates! 1. Please remember to use our Web Application to sign up for in-person classes to be sure there is an available spot. No need to sign up for Zoom. 2. Our 20 th anniversary apparel is going fast! Be on the lookout for new spring/summer apparel. 3. All classes have returned to their original studios! Come join and experience the exhilaration and energy of our classes! 4. We will continue to Zoom classes! If you are on vacation feel free to join via. Zoom. 5. Be on the lookout for Teen Lift, Summer Student Special and Night Classes 7-9pm! As always, let’s keep fit together. Sincerely, The Fitness Edge Team
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